Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Beware of Celebrity Pastors and Mega-Churches"

You became a born again some 22 years back according to you. You went further to say you rejected an appointment from Banbagida. It is an open secret that Abacha was in power when Obj was campaigning for the position of UN Secretary General. From your words, you stayed away from politics and political appointments when you came in contact with CHRIST some 22 years, but you forgot to tell your readers that Banbagida left the scene some 32 years back that is some 10 years before you came in contact with CHRIST.

One of the principle of CHRISTIANITY is forgiveness which you seems not to have according to your post. Again, how can you teach your followers of forgiveness when you cant even forgive? Intelligent Nigerians knew that Buhari is battling the landmines placed on his ways by past government and it is a shame that people like you who ought to know better are dancing skelewu praying day in day out for Buhari to fail to justify your non existing ego.

I have a good news for you, Buhari will succeed and people like you will eat up your words and knowing how the mind of the average Nigerian work, you will come out to claim the credit for Buhari's achievements and tell the gullibles that Buhari was able to perform because of your criticism.

Somebody asked you a question which I want to repeat again, who are you actually working for?

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